Missing Members

I've noticed that some members who were frequent contributors are no longer active.  For instance, Schubert.  I'm hoping that everyone is in good health.  Any word or comments about other MIAs?

Post removed 

Wondering how @ebm  is.  Hasn't posted in 10 months.  Hope all is well and happy holidays to you.

Yes you said it and i dont remember reading a post of him for a long time now...

We are for many of us old here i think...

I hope he was not in bad circonstances ...

I wish you and to him a very good new year...


Wondering how @ebm  is.  Hasn't posted in 10 months.  Hope all is well and happy holidays to you.

The irony of this thread is that there is a parallel thread on the tired forum...WBF. This thread asks: "is there a Hi Fi Mafia controlling what we discuss and talk about in Hi Fi?".

Ironic that the WBF forum is controlled by two complete tools who are exactly what is described in the heading of that thread. Any dissenting opinion immediately leads to a banning and some kind of talk down.

Same applies for a number of audio based forums on the web, luckily ( so far) this does NOT apply here.