My LHY switch up and died on me a some weeks back. It was 10 months old at the time so still under warranty. With help from Singapore, I diagnosed the problem- shorted circuit on the ethernet card. They sent me a replacement board and it is back up and running. Meanwhile, I couldn’t be without music and I could definitely hear a difference without the LHY so I bought the English Electric 8 switch. I like the sound of it a little better than the LHY. Now I am keeping the EE8 in my audio system.
My plan was to sell the LHY after a month or two, to insure the repair held; but I inserted it at the TV end of my long ethernet cable from the EE8 to the TV. Surprisingly, it made an already great TV picture even better. So the LHY is staying.
I have no doubts now that these audio grade switches matter just as much as a DAC or an amp. I hope I never hear a $3000 switch in my system. That’s the thing about audio- our systems sound great, until we hear something better.