"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


Going back to Dylan at the beginning of his career, i think that he captured the spirit of all one generation and he let the "spirit of these times" spoke trough him for them ....

He forgot his "ego" and spontaneously produced the poetry emblematic of this era ...Perhaps more clearly than any one else...His mind-body-soul-spirit were one , and his ego not behind his gesture writing ...Like a master of Tai-chi, or any great poet or like an animal able to react in a more efficient way to any agression than human distracted by their "ego" hubris and fears...

Now what is lacking in the Kleist story about the "sin" associated with the "ego" knowledge of itself and the desynchonization of man and the cosmos, is the fact that we can each hour go back to the Eden garden again , and participating anew to the source , if we learn how to suspend and forgive our "ego"  sin ...Every mystics say so ...

Nature, music, and mathematics, meditation and prayers  taught us that they are the same act manifesting the ONE ...

Now look at this and listen to these caves In India erected for spiritual purpose as elevating the consciousness level :


The world dont lack enigmas...

But enigmas always had an answers even if we dont know it...

But some questions, as said Alexander Grothendieck ( "Nothing important can be proved") are mysteries which ask for our being itself and cannot be investigated without a transformation of the one who ask the question first ... Such are mysteries, which we cannot and must not confuse with enigmas ...

Consciousness is a mystery not a mere enigma...

Who was the man with the iron mask in history was an enigma that can be or could not be solved... But this question has an answer independant of the investigator ... As most scientific questions...But not all scientific questions are enigmas waiting to be solved ... Some are mystery waiting for us to be transformed first ...

A mystery cannot be solved in the same way as a mere enigma ...

A mystery ask for an initiation and a transformation from the inquirer ...

In mathematics as in religions, as in science, there is enigmas, but there is also mysteries ... Dont confuse and dont conflate them ... All the work of Blaise Pascal turn around the relation between question of reason and question of faith, between intuition and between logic...."Esprit de finesse et esprit de géométrie" ...

An enigma has a ready made answer waiting for us in history, in mathematics or in Nature ...

A mystery has only for answer our own being before and after... "A felt change in consciousness" as said Owen Barfield speaking of the language and the mystery of words which used in certain way modify the consciousness level ...

There is enigmas in linguistic , many; but the mystery goes way deeper than all the enigmas and questions we can asked .... Studying linguistic was for me as discovering mathematics, a stupendous mystery and a transformation of my being ...