There is a comparison chart on their site. My thinking was the same , The N200 has a lot more in terms of power supply, isolation, etc I’m sure the 150 is awesome but I think it only has USB and doesn’t have the un-interruptible PS.
What does piss me off is the 150 has power meters and for some reason they were not included on the 200. It was a feature in all of the press releases and on their site at one point. When i questioned this I got some BS reason about meter tracking accuracy …. C’mon that is a lame excuse. Who cares ? They look cool. Every product in the line up has them but the N200. That is BS .
That aside the build quality is really high end. Nothing feels cheap about them. They are sweet. Support is top notch. I had a few things that bugged me about Conductor 3 but all of those issues are fixed with Android users.
Overall I am glad I got the N200. I guess if your other gear is in the same price tier it makes sense to get the 200. I have a great sounding DAC and if I do upgrade it down the road the N200 will not be outclassed by its replacement.