@boomerbillone I like yourself have been involved at various levels of how a OB Speaker is created.
Over 25 Years ago, they had my attention, but were a little too unusual to be seen commonplace, the Speaker that won my approval has been from this era the ESL Type.
Time moves on, OB's started becoming more common, forums have been plugging their wonderment and the old curiosities remained, the the point, I commenced getting my fill of OB experiences.
I have been in rooms with Commercially Produced Active Speakers costing a Crazy Price £00000's and descending in to the more affordable £0000's.
I took my interests further and started attending a annual show where enthusiast Speaker builders have the opportunity to present their Work, even though a few of the attendees are Speaker Designer / Builder by Profession, as well as the odd known of British Audio related Authors.
At the enthusiast event OB's are able to be auditioned as both Active and Passive designs. There is a lot of talk between the attendees about positioning Speakers within the Space.
OB's are seemingly given the most opportunity to invade others space to get them to meet what the owner deems the best for the demo' to be given.
I have heard OB's costing a few £000 pounds and through to a decent few £0000 depending on rarity or type of drivers and the Active Amplification used.
In this environment I have been blown away by the performance of OB's at all production costs, there are some very talented individuals who really know how to extract a attractive sonic from a Speaker.
Additionally it is also of interest to get the feel for a design that has a sonic produced and voiced from a marketing concept and a design from a enthusiast who has created a design with a uniquely voiced sonic that is their preference.
The following is a Copy/Paste from another forum about a Version of a Bastini OB.
The individuals responsible for taking this OB to the level it is at really really know their stuff when it comes to OB's.
A lot can be attained for a very fair outlay if one treads carefully.
These are the top of the range versions, with the Chrystal mid range and Gemini compression driver tweeters. These also have the Goldwood 18" woofers.
There is no crossover as such on these- the Chrystal mid is doped to mechanically adjust frequency response to suit bass and treble, and tweeter is crossed with a single cap in series. Bass is active.
These are superb OB's, bass is driven with a Behringer INuke 3000 amplifier, the 100db sensitivity meaning a very high quality low powered valve or SS amp can be used to power mid and top. I used a 4w OTL to great effect.
Vic of Trans Fi tweaked these himself, the INuke runs his DSP settings (you can of course tweak to your own taste). The tweeter level can be adjusted to taste via a pot, however I ran them wide open as Vic added a resistor in series with the tweeters to give a flat response- it would be simple to remove this should room acoustics dictate.
I rewired and renewed the components when I got them. I used Neotech solid core cable, PathAudio resistors and Jantzen Superior Z Capacitors for the tweeters.
Drivers are all perfect.
Looking for £1200.