What use to burn in power cords?

Is there a small electronic device or a burn in device that I can leave on 24/7 to burn in my 15A IEC power cords?

What do you use?


I used the adapter to burn in my last power cord on the instant pot. It worked like a charm. I swear the stew was just insane with layers of flavor and amazing separation between the carrots, potatoes and the meat. The meat was dead center and was as organic as could be. 

Jokes aside, any of you ever heard your system plugged into a brand new Furutech GTX-D NCF outlet? And then listen to it 2 days later? Try it and then say break in is fallacy. I had a “pleasure” breaking in two of these at different times and it was exactly the same routine the second time. Rollercoaster for one month straight. 

If you want to break it in, why not just play music.  Seems to take awhile even if I  am just plugging and unplugging interconnects, cords, speaker cables it takes awhile for everything to get back to the same sound but it's not that dramatic.

Speakers ok … tubes for sure … capacitors perhaps … but cords? Is there any evidence backing “cord break in”? 


“This is why people think audiophiles are nuts.”

Exactly!  I only looked at this thread to read the ridiculous ideas that would be posted.  It did not disappoint.