McIntosh is now inside a Jeep luxury car.

Is this a good thing for the company? It's a nice looking set up inside the car but it's a Jeep. Couldn't they have found a better partner, maybe jaguar or Mercedes or maybe even a Volvo.


I'm curious. Recognizing the number of automobile glass reflective surfaces and unique design of the cockpit, do the installed high-end audio systems take these factors into account? [NOTE: I own a late model MBz with a factory installed Harmon Kardon set-up. I also own a 2002 Ford Focus purchased for commuting to the Pentagon shortly after the 9-11 attacks. The Ford Focus has an unbranded CD player. I rely on my home audio systems for immersive and critical music listening.]

I wish you and your loved ones peace, love, and contentment in 2024.   

Jeeps are horribly unreliable.  Just check the Consumer Reports reliability stats. Second, there’s hardly a worse environment for audio given the external noise and the internal room/acoustics.  Oh yeah, and then you’re sitting right in front of the far right or far left speakers, which is absolutely absurd.  I mean, would you sit right in front of your left or right speaker in your home system?  So what’s really the point of paying up for a higher-level audio system in a car?  It’s extremely compromised on many levels, so why even bother?

They put that nice stereo in there so you can enjoy it while waiting for the tow truck.