"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


Your teacher is right...

In mystical experience or in samadhi experience the spirit decide not the ego , nevermind his work quality and quantity ultimetaly ...

But here in this thread i dont spoke about the high levels of spiritual experience, i spoke about the way to meditate music mysteries, numbers mysteries. poetic mysteries , mammals morphology mystery , plant morphology mystery , any Natural science mystery as observing water properties etc ...

Here we must ask for our sense to be initiated in Nature or in mind over the ego and his habits ...

And here a truely spiritual perception change us ...At least we learn how to forgot the ego for a moment ...

But no one achieve the highest spiritual heights because he, his ego , decide ...We are guided and not alone ...We are all ONE ...

Anyway we are all already enlightened but we dont know yet...We need some help ...

And those who love anyway are the helpers... And those who dont love are the best teachers ... Love your enemy say the Christ...

But here more modestly we spoke about sound mysteries ...Nature seen before the ego birth ...Numbers thought out of any logic ... Mammals seen for the first time... Plant seen where they are : in time flow...


A mystery ask for an initiation and a transformation from the inquirer ...

I don’t know if this is relevant but one of my teachers used to remind me "You are not doing awakening. Awakening is doing you!

A past sound coming from the future in a dreamed flow of dreams for now  :



Anyway we are all already enlightened but we dont know yet...We need some help ...

I'd say you have talent for understatement   ;o)


RE: Gary Thomas, I have never heard didgeridoo playing like this! 

I like didgeridoo because with it we learn how there is a cosmic voice who spoke through the human voice and a human voice speak also with the cosmic voice ...


The "primitive" didgeridoo do it  already in a way even the "sophisticated" sarangi could not do so evidently ...(video in the post above)

Some being deaf can claim there is no mystey in the didgeridoo voicing, they are deaf in a way that even deaf people are not ......


RE: Gary Thomas, I have never heard didgeridoo playing like this!