With ringing in the New Year, I am thinking on trying the ATC SCM40 speakers. This is a huge speaker budget plunge for me but before I make a final decision, I want to see what you think on this model?  Currently I have the Vandersteen 2ci 

which they sound great powered by an Adcom GFA-5500 amp and a Rotel RC-995 preamp.

Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64

I have the ATC SCM19's powered by a Musical Fidelity M6si rated at 220 wpc @ 8 ohms.

They sound great.

@lonemountain can help you with ATCs. I heard one over the weekend at a dealer, and it sounded as I expected, very pleasant, detailed, neutral. 

We are an Atc dealer with both the active and passive versions on display,

and in our past worked at a store which sold the 2ci


So yes the scm 4os are a large step up however the adcom amplifier might be a bit too forward

Dave and Troy

audio intellect NJ

Atc dealer