Relationship between Ethernet Switch and SQ

This one will probably invite some withering mockery, but I will ask....

I only stream, and my streamer (Bryston BDP) is fed with an ethernet cable that runs back to my router.  Literally back to my router; there are enough output jacks on the router that I have a long run to the streamer and no ethernet switch in the chain (or the house system for that matter).   (There is an Eno filter right before the streamer).

I happen to OWN a nice LHY ethernet switch.  I am assuming that there is no reason to use it in this configuration, that is, assuming there are noisier switches, and less noisy switches, there is still no net benefit of adding any switch to this chain.  But maybe, just maybe, in the metaphysics of electrons that I do not understand, there is some reason why a nice switch prior to the streamer accomplishes something (in theory...I get that I can A/B test and try to fool myself whether I can hear a difference).  For the first person with a correct answer, I will mail a nice $600 switch to the address you specify! (JK)


@nkphoto not everyone have relevant experience, and I did answer the question posted by OP, and immediately got attacked by people who have no relevant knowledge. But I guess when I am attacked I am ruining the vibe, black ain’t black, and white isn’t white, am I right?


get well soon

@fredrik222  You seem to have this delusion that you are an expert on this topic.  As far as we know, you are not.   You have never posted a technical article that you have published in the appropriate journal nor shown established credentials to verify your claims.  You have not even posted an audio system to show any relevant experience with audio nor have you shared your experiences, if any listening to and comparing various network switches in a competent audio system.  You just copy/paste other peoples work and then make comments with a spin on it to support your claims.  You're just a duck in a storm- "quack, quack, quack."


@nonoise  so, the moderators did not like calling the guy what he is. 

I have no idea as I never read your insult (which is all you really do).

for instance, he says all electronics are contained in the SFP, which is patently false. Open ANY switch and you will see this very clearly. 

Isn't it clear that he's referring to the electronics inside the SFP that allow it to mate to the electronics in the switch? He knows there's electronics in the switch as he talks about electronics in the switch for practically the whole video. Were you drunk when you watched it?

As for everything else, I guess you didn't bother to call either of them and discuss the matter, from what you wrote.

All the best,

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