"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


Reincarnation is a fact for those who knows or for those who study and remember ..

Read the OM SETI case of Dorothy Eady ... A british born girl remembering his life in Egypt as lover of Seti in London and who became self taught a top recognized egyptologist... One of the best love story ever written, she made love with Seti even during his life as Dorothy Eady ...Read his book ...




Now listen to this songs in Farsi from many thousand years ago in Persia and remember one of your probable life perhaps...

Music is mystery manifested as evidences as well as evidence manifested as mysteries...Music spoke....




A metronome or a tuning fork are clocks, and as you know the basis and ground of all music is rythm , synchronizing set of clocks or instruments or bodies keeping the various rythm flows together...

Listening music is reclocking his brain ...Elevating our consciousness levels...

For those of you who may think that i am in poetry and metaphors...Stop right here and look at this 43 seconds video by the greatest researcher and the more revolutionary one on consciousness and A. I. and A.C. ( artificial consciousness) ...

His video describe something in his book "nanobrain", one of the most important book i ever read:



The mystery of high end audio is way more mysterious than that of music. When someone figures out how high end audio really works let me know. It’s hard to make any sense out of a lot that is written about it. We’re talking Twilight Zone here in many cases folks. Where normal things don’t happen very often…. Cue Rod Serling. 🪄 Could it be magic?

No the so called by you " mystery" of high end audio is relatively easy to decipher...

Buy books on sound and acoustic and go on read the valuable indications on many forums and articles about acoustics ...I summarized it all with my three working dimensions embeddings controls basic concept ...

If i could do it for myself with a budget system any body can do it if he dare to STUDY AND EXPERIMENT ...And low cost system or high end high cost one dont change the necessary embeddings controls tasks in mechanical, electrical and acoustical working dimensions of the system synergy ...

Then Audio high end is not a mystery but a set of questions and answers and experiments...

Sound and music are the science mystery not high end audio, which is only a set of engineering tasks and a set of experiments to do for the audiophiles...

... Audio high end is a"mystery" for passive consumers buying gear as upgrades in a frustrating series of stopgap and obsessive race in their journey ...Many collected 40 amplifiers or as many speakers without learning how to embed them EVEN ONE satisfactorily enough to forgot obsession about sound and focus on music ...

Studies protected me of this dead end obsession, and indicate me what to do , nevermind the gear price, to reach a minimal optimum of S. Q. with the gear i could afford  and accordingly to his design quality level... And trust me even with a relatively low cost system as mine  it is good enough to forget higher costlier products temptation and frustrations ...

Creativity and acoustics rules audio...No mysteries here ...



The mystery of high end audio is way more mysterious than that of music. When someone figures out how high end audio really works let me know. It’s hard to make any sense out of a lot that is written about it. We’re talking Twilight Zone here on many cases folks. Where normal things don’t happen very often…. Cue Rod Serling


The mystery of high end audio ( as opposed to mere good sound) revolves around the fact that it can’t seem to be quantified or detected consistently in any objective way. It is somewhat of a phantom thing and different for each and It seems to require special ears with mysterious capabilities to really know…audio mystics in a sense. The one thing about it that can be reliably discerned is it usually comes for a premium cost which is high end. That makes sense and can be detected consistently by all including mere mortals. Otherwise, it’s hard for mere mortals to judge. Maybe the mystery is part of the appeal? That makes sense, I think.