"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


The mystery of sound has a lot to do with high end audio.  Not to mention the fact that this whole site is all about high end sound.

The mystery of sound can be manifested to a consciousness on a bad radio or anywhere... The mystery of music is not even related to audio playback ...


For sure the mystery of sound is THROUGH a playback system and THROUGH ears/brain manifested to a consciousness prepared to perceive it ...

But this mystery is for consciousness in sound perception and music perception and is not directly related to engineering audio system nor to IMMEDIATE unreflective perception...

I am sure you understand what i spoke about because we discuss as gentlemen do ...


 But most narrow mind dont want to  understand anything  for example this poster  insulting all those who differ and participated ...

And we have an early favorite for Dumb Thread of 2024.



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