Awesome! That’s great you’re liking the result with new cables and SUT at 30:1. Lowering phono stage gain to compensate could be good when you have the option, but since the cartridge is so low at 0.2mV, it’s probably just fine to run at the higher gain too. If you’re doing tube type swaps for gain, then that itself will impact the sonic result beside just the gain change.
@mulveling Your dislike of Lundahls is interesting. I only have experience with the 1931 Ag, and it sounds pretty good when stepping up my Koetsu.. Not quite as clean or warm as my differential amplifier stage, but close.
Now that I’m using a Grado as my primary stereo cartridge, it’s a moot point
@terry9 They’re fine SUTs. Just not for me, sonically. I’ve tried them countless times, numerous chances, and still never stuck with one. Have LL1931 (copper) built into my VAC phono stage (easily bypassed). Had a K&K box with LL1931Ag (silver). Have LL9206 built into an older full-function VAC preamp - the LL9206 really lacks badly in detail compared to better SUTs, but at least I like its warmer tonality compared to the bigger Lundahls. In the end I still prefer the EAR’s, blue label CineMags, or the Koetsu SUT - though the latter can be a tough fit with non-Koetsu carts because it’s (surprisingly) a little hot up top.
I would still probably take a LL1931 over some/many active MC stages. I did have better results with the copper version in my system.
And I’ve read about your Grado move with much interest! I’ve been wondering if it’s worth "dipping my toe in" at the Mastger3/Reference3/Statement3 level just to get a taste. Or whether I have to go all out to Aeon or Epoch, to be sufficiently impressed.