Given the preamp and the SACD player that I upgraded to within (I think) the last four years, and the crappy little untreated room that I put them in, I guess I should be disgruntled and dissatisfied. But I am not. It sounds better (even in the room that it is in) then it did before the upgrades. Now the focus between the speakers is tighter, the stage outside the speakers has more air and definition, the warbling of a harmonica or the squealing of an electric guitar or the brash brassy sound of a sax when the player bites down hangs with better delineation in mid air. Nuances and vocal inflections are more pronounced now than with the old gear. I can almost see Willie has he enunciates. No, I am not disgruntled or dissatisfied. In a better room I am sure it would sound even better. But I am sure that if, in the same room, I was to upgrade to better amps (I’d love to hear a pair of Cary 805s) and spend some serious money on a speaker upgrade that this would produce even better sound in the same bad room . I have my doubts that a rack system in a great well treated room would sound as good as what I am hearing now. But since I’ve never heard that, I cannot honestly say for sure.
You can go round and round with speakers, and cables but when you get the room sorted, you are on the express train to done.
Right...the guy with the crappy room should keep buying cables to try and fix his disgruntlement and the crap he hears
If you have a bad room you have a bad system and the solutions are to use headphones or find another room.
the room is paramount, as it couples with the chosen speakers
A guy can have very audiophile gear, but, the choice of such gear would be very different for a sht room.
most importantly the room
The gear choices matter less than the acoustics...
Acoustics rule everything in audio...Not the reverse so important it could be ..