High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ?

The last 20 years as an audiophile and now a dealer has taught me a very important lesson. Everything matters. The equipment can be great but no matter how much you spend the matching is very important. The cabling is also important. Some think cabling is all about making it sound better. I prefer my cabling to not get in the way. It’s like it can’t be a clogged faucet for your sound.  Materials and shielding are very important. In addition to that the room is very important. You may not have a perfect room but you build your system to work in the room you have. I don’t have all the answers but you can’t just spend money and have a great system. Combination of equipment, cabling and room has gotten me there. I’ve tried a lot of gear and cables and this is how I feel. What are your thoughts everyone? 


@immatthewj whats wrong with some people. Room acoustics are ok but the way stuff is built is paramount. 

@calvinj , you made an analogy to cars (engines and aerodynamics) and here is another one this thread makes me think of. I had a buddy who spent as much time with guns as audiophiles here do with achieving sonic results. He used to tell me that his formula for properly scoping a rifle was to spend as much on the scope as one spent on the rifle. Meaning a $1700 rifle should have a $1700 scope (and that was over ten years ago, so the Lord only knows what that rifle and scope would go for now).

So I did that once ($1700 and $1700) and I am going to come right out and say that it was not the best money I ever spent. But the thing is: if I could have only bought one or the other, would I have been better off buying just the scope with no rifle to put it on? Or would just the rifle actually turned out to be handier, even without a scope? Yeah, I know . . . it’s probably apples & oranges. . . .

@immatthewj yup I get it. If you listen to some here you can put any equipment in a good room and it will sound the same? 

Are you of good faith or are you able to read correctly ?

If you listen to some here you can put any equipment in a good room and it will sound the same?

I dont like behind the back remarks about me...PUT MY NAME or stay mute ...

And also LEARN HOW TO READ: I never said that we can put any cheap low cost gear in place of high end gear forr the same acoustic result in a room and it will sound the same ...Acoustics dont replace design quality ... I said that any system will improve in a dedicated acoustic room at any price and often improve more than many upgrades ...An upgrade to be a real one must be made in OPTIMAL acoustic condition ...

First room acoustics is the MAIN factor to improve sound ONCE and only ONCE we had a relatively synergetical system to begin with ... ( here the system price do not matter because we all have budget limit... do you get it ? )

Suppose your system value is 10,000 bucks, it will be a greater improvement to modify the room for the better than buying a 1000 bucks cable or a new dac near the same price level than the one you already have etc ...

But for sure if you own a cheap amplifier no room acoustics will compensate for this fact ...All begin as i said above with a relatively good gear system according to our budget and synergetical to begin with ... But Upgrades  urge  race is useless most of the times BEFORE learning and experimenting with acoustics ...

Do you get it ?

There is three main working dimensions for any system at any price, the electrical noise floor level, the mechanical controls of vibrations, the acoustical control of the relation speakers room ... These three embeddings controls matter more than almost any piece upgrade and anyway these three embeddings controls jobs must be done BEFORE a costly upgrade to be able to evaluate the level of quality of what you already own before throwing your money out of the window... Some have bought 40 amplifiers and never had experiment with their acoustics... Complete lost of money....



Next time adress to me if you doubt one of my post ...not about me behind my back...

I distinguished minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold and maximal acoustical satisfaction threshold INSTEAD of the distinction between mid-fi and high end ...

Why ?

Because the distinction between mid-fi and high end is related to price tags not only to objective design quality in all cases...

The distinction between the two acoustical satisfaction threshold had no  direct and immediate relation with price but is related mainly  to the way the three working embeddings controls are put in place ...

The MINIMAL  threshold is reach by me now with my low cost system ... Passed this minimal threshold exist many levels between good system in display here by many members and world level system as mike lavigne one ...All these are under or above this MAXIMAL  acoustical satisfaction threshold...

it is not price tag that define good sound but acoustics knowledge, for sure a top system on the world stage will  cost a lot of money and a lot of  studies and a lot of experiment time ... This is the bad news..

The good news is anybody can reach the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold at relatively low price if he put his mind in studying what to do to control the electrical noise floor of the system , of the room and of his house... Then he must learn how to control vibrations and resonance ... And the last but not least he must learn how to control the room acoustics to serve his ears brain and the speakers relation ..