A $250 Power Conditioner?

Howard reviews the Puron, which is a small AC power conditioner ($250 USD) "plug" that is distributed by Vera-Fi Audio. It’s said to cleanse the electronic circuit that feeds and audio system. Many tweaks cost a pretty penny for little or no performance increase. Is that the case here?



I have a couple of old High Fidelity MC 0.5 power outlet thingys that use some sort of magnetic principle to clean AC that sound like beefed up versions of the GreenWave products mentioned above. 

They were all the rage a few years back. Haven't tried any comparisons once I got my AQ Niagara 1000 but I still keep them in on unused outlets.

All the best,

The doubters of this product needs to audition them in their own environment. I’m pretty sure Mark at Vera-fi offers a satisfaction guarantee testing. Most in our hobby will find the pricing reasonable.

I was very skeptical early on, and even had a negative experience with my second Puron. This was not the fault of the Puron, but in my set up which needed to be sorted out.

Forget about that they are too small or too cheap. I have many now and as I added them, they continued to improve the soundstage size, focus, imaging, just overall increased realism.

For reference I utilize a P.I. audio group Uberbuss for my DAC and transport only and had 3 MC 0.5 that I used for a couple of years. The only place I found to be detrimental with a Puron ironically was directly in the Uberbuss.

This thing treats your entire system at once and is right up there with the best audio purchases I have made.






I have also found that placement of it in the wall outlet itself provides the benefit vs plugged into the power conditioner.  I also like the Shunyata Defender. The NCF CLEARLINE i found to have no sq benefit.  

@roadcykler knows not of which he speaks. I have been using the Puron Filters since that came out and yes there is a benefit. Will depend on your system also. This device is not going to make your low end gear sound like a million dollar system either (some million dollar systems sound like shite). WBF has been very keen on all of Marks new devices and many of us there know by experience not speculation. Also the Swiss Digital Fuse Box is a real gem too!  Give them a try Mark has a no questions asked return policy, or is it you do not have $250.00