Is toeing speakers a bad idea?

I was toeing in my speakers and that seemed like a good thing to do. But then I decided to de-toe the speakers. I was hoping that the speakers dispersed things well enough and maybe they don't need to be focused so much to create a so-called sweet spot.

I found the imaging in the room was a lot better and sound improved. The room is a rectangular room and the speakers are placed at one end of the room about 3 feet from the wall. Room sizes 17 x 23 with a 7 ceiling. Maybe someone can share some rationale for this.  I feel the sound waves may spread out better and not be so disturbed when they collide in a so called sweet spot near my skull.


I used to do this with a pair of 15 ohm Rogers LS3/5A's and the difference was significant.  Imaging improved substantially. The only issue is that in order to benefit you have to sit directly where the axis of the speakers meet, otherwise the imaging is off center.  

Toe in benefits are in the ears of the beholder, and ONLY in the ears of the beholder. There is no sound in a forum response.

Almost all speakers radiate out at an angle that should hit your listening position.  A little toe in can be good, but to much can shrink the sound stage. 

All the best.

I think I've moved my speakers 0ver 150 times , in , out  , forward , backward  with toe-in and facing straight until I found my ideal sound . 

I use 3/4 inch toe-in . but my room is only 13 feet wide .