With your VPI Prime Signature if you do not have speed control of the motor that is still an option. Most people think the older VPI SDS is better than the current ADS, and VPI has discussed a better version of the ADS for the future, but the cost may be prohibitive if it ever arrives. With speed control and the new pulley One Speed Pulley (For Use With ADS) – VPI Industries. you can run 2-3 belts all providing better speed control. If you decide on an SDS wait for one with serial numbers in the 3000 series - these will be the later (newer) versions. I have not seen any SDS serial numbers above the 3900-series.
Alternatively, you can have SOTA modify the motor pod to operate with their motor and controller - Total Eclipse Package – Sota Turntables. The general consensus is that the SOTA is the better motor and its controller is the old Phoenix Engineering's Falcon PSU and Roadrunner Tachometer | Analog Planet. VPI has been 'threatening' to manufacture a better motor for many years but nothing as of yet. I run the SDS and two belts and for now I am content with the performance.
Beyond motor speed control, the other upgrades can get pretty expensive:
-The single-motor flywheel $1.5K Single Motor Flywheel – VPI Industries.
-The Avenger pneumatic feet four for $4.45K, Avenger Pneumatic Feet – VPI Industries - if you floor vibration problems. But at this price, other options to solve floor vibration problems are available.
- There is the (I think its ~$7K) 25-lb magnetic drive plater - it should fit the Prime Signature just check with VPI but at this point a new table 'may' be a better option.
The benefit of the VPI tables is the ability to incrementally upgrade the table.