Mahgister - Did you actually listen to the entire interview? I can’t believe you did. There are things in there in concordance with your general take on sound and music. Very surprising to hear your reaction.
i am not a perfect human being...
No i did not watch the video...
But can you explain in a few words as i did when i put a video here WHY WE MUST watch it ...
And seeing a sasquatch video without explanation in a thread about sound/music and consciousness , make my enthusiasm cold ...
I am sure that you will explain why we must watch one hour of our life time a saquatch video related supposedly to sound mystery ?
By the way i believe sasquatch may exist and ghost speaking and recorded exist too ...But what can be the relation with sound music mysteries and consciousness ? thats the only question that interest me ..
For sasquatch i had no problem... My problem is that it is not a thread in my mind about a TV show on mysteries in GENERAL...perhaps i was wrong but the video you put at the beginning of the thread is spot on on sound and music deep properties...
I was hoping this thread would expose some of the people here who pride themselves on being open-minded but who in fact have some old-fashioned prejudices still lurking in their dark corners. Everyone does.
I dont pride myself to be open mind , because i am credulous as a children... But i am also dead serious as Mathusalem ...I dont put thread to CATCH people and expose them as closed mind to begin with ... it is child play...
The burden of proof is on your shoulder... Why listen to this one hour video in a serious thread about meanings of sound and consciousness levels ?
Explain to us what is in this video which could be related to sound perception music meanings and consciousness level ...
Before listening a one hour video i must have a reason to do so especially this ONE in this specific thread...
I believe sasquatch exist by the way it is only my opinion and i cannot know for sure... Then my reaction dont come from skepticism about sasquatch but come from the way you throw this here WITHOUT EXPLANATION in this thread that i takes seriously ... is it to provoke as you say you did ? then it is child like ...Is there another reason ? write it ...
There is mysteries in Nature but sasquatch is like any natural creature that exist or not , an enigma , a simple question not a mystery in the deep sense of the world related to consciousness as this thread propose when thinking about sounds ...