"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


That was not a sales pitch. That was an example of a material that has high vibrational characteristics that might also be called a sound. That was the topic at hand.

You had no way of knowing this, but I am 70 years old and about to hang it up with orgonite making. I certainly don't advertise or pump my mailing list anymore, and even if I still was "on the make" this forum would not be on my list of places to hawk my weird wares.

"and even if I still was "on the make" this forum would not be on my list of places to hawk my weird wares..."

ON THE MAKE meaning: trying hard to succeed, esp. in a way that is dishonest.

Very important to choose your words wisely.

Okay, I fibbed. Question for you:

Explain what is a high vibrational characteristic that might also be called a sound.

Because I’ve got to tell you, that comes off as a load of nonsense.

An in depth explanation may clarify your meaning.

It is not the first time i overreacted...

I apologize to you...

First you are the OP of this thread then.....

I must have been better in controlling my own temper...

I acted taking myself too seriously because i am very interested in this topic...

I personaly think that vibrations being not confined to material plane , telepathy is a possible occurring phenomena because we live simultaneously on many planes ...


But sasquatch discussion will not be taken seriously here anyway...

I believe you are of good faith then i am the only responsible person to have derail this trail ...

I apologize really ...

I hope you will understand me ...

I apologize to all readers of this thread too...



No problem. It’s the way it goes on public forums. Humans being the itchy and scratchy entities they are they are more enamored of picking fights over relatively innocuous things especially now that the media environment has been pitched so shrill.

To reiterate for "thecarpathian" we were talking about being affected by vibrations assumed to be beyond the range of human hearing. I was suggesting that there are other such vibrations - microwaves being yet another example.

Havana Syndrome

In the case of orgonite, which functions like a capacitor with a compressed crystal inside it, there are people who "feel" the energy field quite emphatically. There may not technically be a "sound" associated with it, but some liken it to a sound perhaps because of the way it interacts with the brain. Maybe a better way to say it is that it is reminiscent of sound which for the brain can be the same thing as a sound.