"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


No problem. It’s the way it goes on public forums. Humans being the itchy and scratchy entities they are they are more enamored of picking fights over relatively innocuous things especially now that the media environment has been pitched so shrill.

To reiterate for "thecarpathian" we were talking about being affected by vibrations assumed to be beyond the range of human hearing. I was suggesting that there are other such vibrations - microwaves being yet another example.

Havana Syndrome

In the case of orgonite, which functions like a capacitor with a compressed crystal inside it, there are people who "feel" the energy field quite emphatically. There may not technically be a "sound" associated with it, but some liken it to a sound perhaps because of the way it interacts with the brain. Maybe a better way to say it is that it is reminiscent of sound which for the brain can be the same thing as a sound.



I agree with you description because i felt the same in my experiments with many minerals...

In the case of orgonite, which functions like a capacitor with a compressed crystal inside it, there are people who "feel" the energy field quite emphatically. There may not technically be a "sound" associated with it, but some liken it to a sound perhaps because of the way it interacts with the brain. Maybe a better way to say it is that it is reminiscent of sound which for the brain can be the same thing as a sound.


This is about the lightning-struck man who is the first chapter of Oliver Sachs' book "Musicophilia."

@mapman: “The mystery of high end audio is way more mysterious than that of music.

This is like saying the functionality of a Cuisinart is more “mysterious” than the experience eating amazingly good food provides.

a) the experience of enjoying listening to music  
b) the experience of enjoying listening to good equipment

These two things are not alike, and to say b) is “way more mysterious” than a), frankly, boggles my mind.