Network/Ethernet Improvements Suggestions

Hi guys,

I've been thinking about upgrading my streamer (Innuos Zen Mini mkiii w/Innuos PSU), but was thinking I could, maybe should look at/take care of the network side of things first.

At the moment, my streamer is fed as follows;

  • ISP Modem -> TP Link Archer Router
  • Router -> Cat 6 shielded ethernet from living room into listening room
  • Cat 6 -> TP Link media converters, Ethernet -> Optical -> Ethernet (2nd converter powered by an ifi Power 2 plug)
  • DH Labs Ethernet Cable to regular consumer network switch w/ifi Power 2 plug (suggested by the chap at Network Acoustics whose name escapes me)
  • Network switch to Network Acoustics Eno, fed by Network Acoustics ethernet cable
  • Network Acoustics Eno to Innuos Zen Mini mkiii

My first instinct is to swap out the regular consumer switch for something like the LHY-SW8 switch, but any suggestions to the contrary, or additional measures would be welcome. 

Thanks guys 👍

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Looks like you have more than enough invested in the journey at this point. I’d concentrate more on the destination now and put the funds towards a better streamer.

@audphile1 @marco1 

I've tried cutting out the media converters and going ethernet straight into the regular switch, which feeds the NA ENO; got to admit, I find music pops more/a better 3D presentation/greater depth - I feel like the media converters in the chain were actually constricting the soundstage front to back.

I've had the converters in for a while and never tried without since, even through a change of streamer; Node N130 -> Innuos Zen Mini mkiii

I think you're both right; upgrading my streamer maybe the most worthwhile investment in my system at this point

I do not like the fiber converters - in my system the sound becomes artificial and constricted. I have tried it with 3 streamers with exactly the same outcome. Power supply upgrades for these gizmos is a lipstick on a pig.

Do your research and go for the best streamer you can afford, used or new. Then you can get rid of the clutter and just use Eno.