Network/Ethernet Improvements Suggestions

Hi guys,

I've been thinking about upgrading my streamer (Innuos Zen Mini mkiii w/Innuos PSU), but was thinking I could, maybe should look at/take care of the network side of things first.

At the moment, my streamer is fed as follows;

  • ISP Modem -> TP Link Archer Router
  • Router -> Cat 6 shielded ethernet from living room into listening room
  • Cat 6 -> TP Link media converters, Ethernet -> Optical -> Ethernet (2nd converter powered by an ifi Power 2 plug)
  • DH Labs Ethernet Cable to regular consumer network switch w/ifi Power 2 plug (suggested by the chap at Network Acoustics whose name escapes me)
  • Network switch to Network Acoustics Eno, fed by Network Acoustics ethernet cable
  • Network Acoustics Eno to Innuos Zen Mini mkiii

My first instinct is to swap out the regular consumer switch for something like the LHY-SW8 switch, but any suggestions to the contrary, or additional measures would be welcome. 

Thanks guys 👍


Upgrade the streamer. Without a doubt biggest jump in performance.
Just resist buying more tweaks for the network. All you need is the best possible streamer you can get plus a very good Ethernet cable (Eno is that already)  

Leave the network stuff alone. Well actually I would even take out the Fiber converters and just use Eno. Test that too. If n my system it was much more natural sounding that way. 

Post removed 

Looks like you have more than enough invested in the journey at this point. I’d concentrate more on the destination now and put the funds towards a better streamer.

@audphile1 @marco1 

I've tried cutting out the media converters and going ethernet straight into the regular switch, which feeds the NA ENO; got to admit, I find music pops more/a better 3D presentation/greater depth - I feel like the media converters in the chain were actually constricting the soundstage front to back.

I've had the converters in for a while and never tried without since, even through a change of streamer; Node N130 -> Innuos Zen Mini mkiii

I think you're both right; upgrading my streamer maybe the most worthwhile investment in my system at this point