How can you not have multichannel system

I just finished listening to Allman Bros 'Live at the Fillmore East" on SACD, and cannot believe the 2-channel 'Luddites' who have shunned multichannel sound. They probably shun fuel injected engines as well. Oh well, their loss, but Kal has it right.
Tbg...What you have discovered is that multichannel does not make up for second rate equipment, but neither does it degrade good equipment. My multichannel equipment is no different from what I would use for stereo.
Ummm...when acts like the Stones and Radiohead introduce "surround sound" as part of their live shows, I'll invest in multichannel. But that will never happen. Sooo, my point is...
Bojack wrote:
Ummm...when acts like the Stones and Radiohead introduce "surround sound" as part of their live shows, I'll invest in multichannel.
All live events are in "surround sound" unless produced in an anechoic chamber or infinite flat meadow.

I see your point, Kal. What I was getting at was that most live shows do not have dedicated surround channels via speaker banks behind and around the audience.