Advantages with an outboard power supply

I’ve read that adding a linear power supply such as a Teddy Pardo will greatly enhance the overall performance of components that use a switch mode wall wart power supply I.e. my RME DAC. Any personal experience with this addition? Liking the features of the RME has me thinking if this will take it to another level it may be worth + - $500 cost vs. buying a new DAC?


There can be a lot of reasons why an outboard power supply might help, and it’ll depend a lot on the particulars of a given circuit and the PS specifics, but a good PS can certainly be an audible upgrade in some circumstances.

I built a regulated linear outboard PS for my Hagerman Bugle 3 phono stage, and it was a nice audible improvement.  Not sure what to expect if I upgrade the PS of my Topping DAC.

I'm thinking about it also for my Node but I have been reading some articles and watching some YouTube videos and they say it will not help a digital signal. So, I'm on the fence.

I've used Farad power supplies on my Chord DAVE and M-Scaler with excellent results.
