750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference

I finally plunged into the source is as important as the DAC belief that is quite prevalent here and decided to test out Aurender N200. And given I have a very highend DAC, thought if the N200 pans out I would go for the N20 or N30.


I was expecting the N200 to blow away my Intel NUC which is 10th gen, core i7, 8GB and running Roon Rock BUT I am switching back and forth between USB playing the Roon Rock, and Co-axial playing Aurender N200, and I don't hear much of a difference maybe a hair, or not even that.


A few caveats: 1) Roon Rock is playing Quboz, N200 is playing Tidal (I am unable to get Qobuz login to the N200 for reason I don't understand).

2) I am comparing Coaxial on N200, USB on Roon Rock.

Caveat #2 can be ignored because I don't hear a difference between Coaxial and USB output of N200.


So either this is an "Emperor has no clothes" moment or I am missing something big. Any thoughts on what I might be missing before I send this N200 back to the dealer on Monday.


Rest of my system: Nagra TUBE DAC -> Accuphase E-650 -> Devore O96 and all Acoustic Revive wiring. 


@metaldetektor thanks for sharing your experience. The many positive reviews of Grimm seem to imply it is the best thing since sliced bread, but this easily forgotten concept of synergy is the most important principle. Was this a DSD observation that gave the Playback the nod, or was this preference observed across all formats? 

The side two of it is the inconsistency in the A/B testing between the two use cases, the subjective nature of it all and the part where the inaccurate data posted here will result in misguiding others who are potentially striving to improve their systems. May be I’m completely off track here, but here are my $0.05 cents (inflation adjusted).

@audphile1 you are not completely off track- I am with you 100%. Opinions are one thing, and taking personal preferences into account one cannot argue the decision if someone comes to a conclusion, but if forum posters wish to have a credible forum it is the responsibility of all to ensure that is an educated decision  with a sound and valid process, to the best of our volunteer hours permit of course. 

Then again, maybe the clickbait title was enough for some posters to ignore the whole thread. 



by all means spend the 6k on the Aurender, but my humble suggestion would be to try a Roon rock on an nuc first. It cost as much as an audiophile usb cable for gods sake :)

Did the op @essrand ever re-try the comparison "properly"? as he suggested he would in a "few weeks" quite a few weeks ago :) 

@mclinnguy there was no follow up so I would assume that no, there was no round two to retest. I also won’t be building a Roon NUC to just try it. I’m also wondering if the $750 NUC was fanless. I forgot to ask. It’s rare to see a fanless NUC. And that fan, when it gets going, sounds like the whole thing is about to lift off. With time it will suck the dust in and clog the vents, which will make it work harder and louder.

It will eventually sound like your grandmother’s hair dryer and will interfere with listening and inject noise into the signal chain. It’s a double whammy.

At least get a fanless Roon Nucleus if you want to go that route.