Did your system getting better the more money you spent or more experience you gained?

This is something that wanted to ask folks. Initially I said I would never spend x amount of dollars in this audio journey. 20 years later I’m here and did what I said I wouldn’t but I’m happier than ever. Best system to this date. But it wasn’t about money only. I gained knowledge on what was possible and the quality and design of the gear I wanted. I see people just throw money into audio and never be happy or satisfied. I think that happens because they don’t think for themselves as well as have the resources? Thoughts ?



Congrats, I am in the same place. I truly loved the journey… although if I knew how much money I would have at this point in life I would know I would be spending to that level. 

It is very satisfying to have such a great system and time to appreciate and enjoy it.

My 2 Cents being an Audiophile for 50 years.

Definitely better with experience.

Took some time to gravitate to an all tube system.  Well worth the effort.

Took some time learn the advantage of belt driven, Oil bearing turntables.

Took time to learn that Moving Coil carts really sounded better than MM.

Took time to learn that high efficiency (>91 dB) speakers are easier to drive, but perform best in 4 Ohm mode for best sound.

Took time to understand necessary room treatments and apply them correctly.

Took time to realize you don't need to spend a fortune to get great sounding equipment!  (most recent purchase - Schitt Skoll Phono Stage at $400 sounding better than $2K C-J EF-1 Phono)

Took time to realize its best to purchase equipment used off Audio-Gon.  Let the well healed pay for the depreciation in the first few years.....

Lastly - Its always about the music!  Enjoy as often as you can!!  Life is short.

@ghdprentice man I’m blessed. I work for Infigo Audio now.  A brand I believe in and makes up my system.  It has allowed me to have this high level system and hours and hours of listening joy.  Doing this is fun not real work. 

I believe I was seriously restricting my opportunities to build a good sounding audio system, when I was a stut myself away in a room listener to music produced from a dedicated audio system.

As good as 20 + years ago this changed.

I chose to be much more interactive and social in audio related activities. 

It is the social activity that introduced me to mentors, fellow enthusiasts showed to me systems I was in awe of, I learnt of the dream that some very respected individuals had designs for in their own set ups. 

I am not upset with decisions made in the Company of others, they have proved to be economical and very very attractive for their meeting my needs. 

There will always be something better than you have. Once you think yo’ve got there you’ll bet bored and want more. Learn to be happy with what you have.