My 2 Cents being an Audiophile for 50 years.
Definitely better with experience.
Took some time to gravitate to an all tube system. Well worth the effort.
Took some time learn the advantage of belt driven, Oil bearing turntables.
Took time to learn that Moving Coil carts really sounded better than MM.
Took time to learn that high efficiency (>91 dB) speakers are easier to drive, but perform best in 4 Ohm mode for best sound.
Took time to understand necessary room treatments and apply them correctly.
Took time to realize you don't need to spend a fortune to get great sounding equipment! (most recent purchase - Schitt Skoll Phono Stage at $400 sounding better than $2K C-J EF-1 Phono)
Took time to realize its best to purchase equipment used off Audio-Gon. Let the well healed pay for the depreciation in the first few years.....
Lastly - Its always about the music! Enjoy as often as you can!! Life is short.