Have Luxman 509x. Considering Pass Labs INT-250 or Dan D’Agostino Progression Integrated

Hello Audiogon community.

I currently have the Luxman 509X, Isotek V5 Aquarius power conditioner, VPI scout turntable and pair of Wilson Yvette. 
I really like my current set up but I’m looking for an upgrade. I know upgrade is such an ambiguous word with nothing in particular as to what I’m looking for, but curious to see what others feel about the two integrated power amps being considered?   

Thanks in advance. 


I was considering the Pass int250 and Dag Prog Int but finally decided on the Gryphon Diablo 300 which I preferred over the other two. I like the slight ”dark” quality to the presentation and the bass is awesome; powerful and articulate with great control. Very engaging.

I would consider all three a big upgrade over the Lux.

Thank you both for the feedback.

Swede58: I just closed out the Gryphon website and was looking at the same model after watching a review on Jay's Audio Lab . Too funny. 


Both the Pass and Gryphon are excellent products. I know for a fact after a conversation with him that Dan D'Agustino could give two shits about his customers. He will not service gear older than 10 years, does not even stock the parts. He comes up with ridiculous suggestions like "go to Radio Shack, pick up a pot and mount it on top." This was in regard to a Krell KRS 2 Reference Preamp that developed a sick volume control. It was a very thin unit and required custom pots. He burned through his supply and those of us who developed the problem from then on were fucked. This was an act of God. Two weeks later my house was struck by lightening and one of the things that got fried was the KRS 2. I am insured for replacement value. A current preamp then of equal performance cost $12,000. Rock and Roll. I would go with the Pass. 

The Pass is DIFFERENT.  The D'Agostino very close to the Luxman IMHO at least with moderate loads.

Of the three, I would not suggest anyone buy Pass without listening to it first.  ait's different enough ttat I wouldn't call it a safe bet you''ll like it and think you'll come away with strong preferences after you do.

Thanks Erik. I know everyone hears differently. Any more specifics about your experience with PASS you can provide? Thanks. 

mijostyn: Thanks for info and sorry about the lightening. That sucks!