New streamer

I recently opened a discussion on upgrading my DAC. I started at the beginning of that discussion, that I was a vinyl guy, but with my purchase of the Chord Qutest, I realized that digital music can be outstanding and want to now upgrade my Node.

That will provide 2 benefits: Maximizing my current systems digital, and allow me to move the Node & Schiit Modi Multibit 2 to the family room, a small HT setup with a Yamaha AVR driving a Goldenear soundbar. Streaming there is currently MusicCast using the AVR DAC.  The improvement there should be very nice. 

My 2 channel equipment is as follows: 

Rogue RP-1 w/ NOS Brimar’s, LSA Warp 1, KEF R11’s, Rhythmic F12SE, Pro-ject 1Xpression w/Hana ML, Rega Aria, Bluesound Node w/Qubuz, Marantz CD6007, Chord Qutest. Good to very good power, speaker, interconnect cables.  
My weakest link (I believe) is now my Node. 
I don’t want or need amplification or volume control, ripping storage, nor an internal DAC. Sound signature should be neutral. 
My budget is $2,500, but willing to spend less. My current favorites are:

Lumin U2 mini. Very well reviewed, beautiful, perfect form factor, good app & controllable via my Harmony One remote. It is currently my #1 choice.

Auralic Aris. If new, the G1.1, if used G2.0 or 2.1. Very well reviewed, good app, OK form factor, but not controllable via harmony.  
Naim ND5 XS2. Considered the best high end streamer by What Hi Fi  Would need to buy used to stay close to budget.

EverSolo DMP-A6. Included based upon reviews, but may not be a serious contender. 
HiFi Rose RS250A. The streamer EverSolo seemed to copy  

Aurender. Don’t think they have anything within my budget, but included for discussion.

 LPS upgrade for Node. Included because I know it will come up. Plan to reuse my node downstairs, so out. Would prefer LPS upgrade for one of the above.  

Please let me know your thoughts and/or recommendations. Thanks!




I also am a long time BS Node user. Started with their first one and have been using their latest N130 for quite a while now and Like it very much. The only reason I have never upgraded was because I like the operating system. After reading and hearing how much the streamer matters, I purchased a used Lumin U2 mini on here just to get the curiosity out of the way. I unfortunately have some things that are bothering me before I even get it which should be on Monday. I like using my laptop to control the Node which is a big plus because I like to surf the web while listening to music. The Lumin app is not Windows based so I can either use my phone or buy either an inexpensive Chrome Book, Tablet etc... which I ordered a Samsung tablet  so we will see how that goes. I know I can use Roon via my Windows laptop so that is another thought before I decide to open the Tablet.

I noticed you mentioned the everSolo A6, and I wanted to share my opinion on it. I must say I was somewhat disappointed. While the app does flow better (compared to Volumio in my iFi ZS), likely due to the larger DDR memory of 4GB, as opposed to 1GB in the iFi, the sound quality with the digital out to my DAC wasn't noticeably better than the iFi. On the other hand, the analog out with the internal DAC wasn't particularly impressive, and I found it to be worse than the digital pairing.

I'm not sure if I received a defective unit, but for some reason, when I directly connect it to my PA in my second system, the speakers emit a hum. Interestingly, this doesn't happen with my main system. It's not a problem when I use the digital out to the DAC. Most of the glitches previously reported seem to be resolved with the latest firmware update. However, recently, the app has a glitch that plays the first track repeatedly, even when the setting is 'list played' and not 'repeated.'

I also had the chance to audition the Innuos Pulse Mini and Zen at a show and found that they performed better than the A6. It was in two different rooms with different system components, but that was the impression I got in that short time period. Anyway, just my two cents for what it's worth.


Your feedback on the U2 mini would be very valuable. The windows issue is not mine. I would use an iPhone of iPad. Thanks