Looking for a good Transport. Help.

I have the new ARC DAC 7 that i intended to use with an Ipod/Wadia dock combination but i have decided otherwise since there is very little HD music download albums/tracks available at this time. The selection/availability is abysmal at best.

There are about 85 for sale here and i would not know where to start.
I use to have a Classe transport along with an ARC DAC 2 many years ago until i made the jump into vinyl's.

Any recommendation much appreciated. Budget of about $2000.00 or less.
Thank You

Audio Note makes excellent equipment. You might want to research the Audio Note cdt-two cd transport. You need to find what is a good match with the ARC.
Some suggestions to consider:

Transport recommendations - CD-PRO2 module ( very reliable - used by many in their top CDP & transports. Suitable for 24h
operation. )

Circuitry - simpler the better.
Having a tube output buffer stage helps obtain more "analogue" presentation.
Top loader = less problems

Good luck
i also vote for the Cec transport TL51 series.The audio note transports are also very good but a bit pricey.
The CEC TL-51X is a great deal at around $800 used. The Northstar 192 is also very good. I've had both in my system and could live happily with either of them. I only use the CEC TL-51X now because it is slaved to my Lessloss DAC.

Perhaps a 47 Labs Shigaraki would be an option as well.