Thank Heavens For The Internet World Used/ Pre-Owned High End Audio Market!!!!

As a devoted audiophile from way back when, and definitely not one of our more well-heeled audiophiles, always looking to save a dollar or two, the single most and greatest blessing for me and audiophiles like me was the emergence of the "Internet" and online shopping. The internet gave us all access to a vast, marvelous worldwide marketplace of pre-owned high end audio gear that could be purchased in the comfort and convenience of our own homes while sitting on our couches using our own personal computers. What a godsend was the creation of all those wonderful used high end audio websites that emerged that gave us a virtual sea of new and used high end audio for purchase. Over the past over 20 years, I’ve purchased most all of my audio gear online, thereby saving literally thousands upon thousands of dollars off retail. Thanks to internet online high end audio shopping, I still believe in miracles!!!


For sure the market is opened in a way no real audio company with brick and mortals can beat the offer and the price sometimes...This is common place fact....

But for me it is the acoustic knowledge and users information experience that is a must...

I created my own system more with information than mere purchase...

It is even the same with news on all subjects scientific or geopolitics... Readiing official newspapers is condemning ourself to stay ignorant and worst...

Many decades ago it was difficult to know what was going in the world, as it was near impossible to understand and learn , through the audio publicity in magazine or newspapers, what is at play between audio system room and ears/brain...

now 5 minutes take me where no one ever boldly goes...😁😊


Look at this as an exemple it takes 10 seconds to find :


You are so right. It is also great when selling gear. I remember the days when a dealer would give pennies on the dollar for used gear. The internet has given me the opportunity to try gear without any loss when selling or buying!

@kennymacc - Your positivity is refreshing.  I agree, it opened an entire world up to not only equipment but knowledge that most of us had only seen small pieces of by visiting our local stereo shops.  As with everything, it has morphed into something a bit different from what it was in the beginning but, IMO, the good far outweighs the bad.  The journey has been fun.

Yes!!! Over the past over 20 years or so, I’ve purchased and also "SOLD" a ton of used audio gear online. Before the internet, as mentioned, we were mostly at the mercy of the merciless brick-and- mortar dealers who would try to steal your trade-in gear, and then charge top dollar for whatever used gear they had on hand in the store. I remember always searching for used gears in the last few pages of the high end audio magazines where the classified ads were, but if you saw something interesting that you wanted to purchase, you had to hastily make contact with the seller in order  to make a deal before someone else beat you to the punch. Those were the days.

I also love the net & what it's brought to this hobby...
 I will lament though,I kinda miss the monthly run to the magazine stand & perusing the audio journals of old,especially the annual buyers guides,what with EVERY single piece of gear available to the retail market all alphabetized & categorized...