Have Luxman 509x. Considering Pass Labs INT-250 or Dan D’Agostino Progression Integrated

Hello Audiogon community.

I currently have the Luxman 509X, Isotek V5 Aquarius power conditioner, VPI scout turntable and pair of Wilson Yvette. 
I really like my current set up but I’m looking for an upgrade. I know upgrade is such an ambiguous word with nothing in particular as to what I’m looking for, but curious to see what others feel about the two integrated power amps being considered?   

Thanks in advance. 


I haven’t heard Pass in about 5 years I guess. "Scratchy" is not the right word really. To me, I just can’t listen to it for a whole song. Irritating to listen to for me is the right word.

To me, and perhaps only me, listening to Pass amps is like being constantly bothered by something I can’t quite place my finger on. I just can’t let go and enjoy the music. I find it bothersome. Like some taste soap when they have cilantro. 

I’m definitely not asking others to agree with me, just being honest about my own experiences with it.

@erik_squires … “I find Pass lean, and scratchy. I don’t like listening to it for long.”


While I agree different people have different tastes. This is not at all the Pass sound. I am familiar with the overall spectrum of component sound. I would put Pass more or less in the middle, with contemporary models having much better rhythm and pace and overall well balanced tone and undistorted treble. 

I think that Pass's failure ( sarcasm ) as a commercial enterprise demonstrates how many others feel the way I do.  😁

this is why I simply wont' argue the point, but I can describe my own experiences with it.

No point arguing this. That description was inaccurate and you even back pedaled that one. So let’s move on 

Throwing another option at the community. What about the Macintosh MA12000? Fully integrated and a boat load of power. What say you?
