What an incredibly awful article. What was the purpose of doing this article?

I Recall the details of the auction of the system and was horrified. How could his family not enlist the support of the audio community to take great care and do what this man wished to be done.

The deficient and negatively biased article should have at least expanded upon some notable efforts that he made to system going beyond the turntable. He devoted his life to creating something that was truly remarkable and memorable and this article failed to capture the essence of what he tried to do. Tarnishing all he worked for was so inappropriate. Sure there deservedly was a need for attention to focus on his obsessive nature toward building the system and that would’ve been fair. And that would’ve been a nice thing to read about. But frankly I really didn’t enjoy reading the article and all the negativity.

The end of this man’s life was incredibly sad and difficult. Most of us will probably be similarly treated during our final days. Nature is so unfriendly at times.

I have to believe many facets of his system could’ve found their way into the home of someone who is involved in audio. There was so much to appreciate and learn from what this guy did.


Sociopathy gets overused and thrown around when a number of obsessive compulsive disorders could be used. OTOH, when is a hobby a disorder and not a lifestyle choice??


In any event, unless we are treating a person we should focus on boundaries, expectations and commitments before diagnosis.  The former are far simpler and more useful.

Well, whaddaya know....All the  stereo purists appear to be suddenly in awe of Ken, who was very much a multichannel audio enthusiast....it ain't "just for movies" anymore, huh boys? (Atleast after the heretic blew the socks off your rigs)...

@decooney “Nobody wanted to come to our house, because he wanted to put them to work,” said his daughter Patty, 58. “I think we went camping twice, never took vacation. It was just work, work, work.”  

   One's passion is another one's hell.

​​​@yesiam_a_pirate  What does it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world but loses his own soul?"  Going biblical?

  @mahgister "I was myself consumed by the fever to create my acoustic room 24 hours by day for at least one full year..."  Were you a cloistered monk or just certifiable?


Nothing of the sort... retired and with no more social contacts...

And with no money to play with new toys... Being unsatisfied by my gear system ( even if my choices were good to begin with) I had no choices only to go homemade and studying acoustics by experiments... You cannot tune 100 resonators by ears in one month... You cannot modify your speakers on the spot and you cannot adress vibrations and resonance with no money on the spot and buy as some costly Townshend platform... You cannot solve some electrical grid problem on the spot too ...

I was one year full time but few years many hours each week...

My luck was having no money to really invest in audio and to buy ready made solution and then if not learning nothing learning way less because purchase dont imply acoustic understanding ...

Now my system is ridiculously good for his price... Rest assured i own the best possible for this lowest cost ... It is my pride...😉😊 and rest assured i am not frustrated in a stopgap , but most people will not believe me on that...Most low cost system to begin with , are, if not horrible, not at all optimized ...Most people dont know what to do and anyway will not do it as modifying the speakers and the headphone design of what they just bought etc ...

Audio is about being creative and learning not about price tags at all ...

Which is better : my system under 1000 bucks rival more costlier system ... Mine is satisfying 😊i will make exception only for system in a designed acoustical room nothing else as Fritz or mike lavigne acoustically designed room ...

I am in this level what i call : the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold with my speakers system... For the headphone system i am near the maximal acoustical satisfaction threshold anyway ( out of the head holographic perception and timbre realism and deep bass ) ... Cost : under 1000 bucks... Beat me ! and good luck ....

Every one has his own idea of acoustical perfection ; mine is the acoustical quality experience ratio related to the lowest possible price ...

I am the "Fritz" of what may appear to some as the garbage audio products...😁😊 But trust me my gear choice is not garbage at all especially after optimization ...

Most had no other way to improve what they have except buying... I improve it so much that i can live in ectasy with music...Yes this is possible, i am here to motivate those who cannot purchase anything costly... The fun is the creativity way more than buying....Fritz was creative ...I admire him for that...



@mahgister "I was myself consumed by the fever to create my acoustic room 24 hours by day for at least one full year..." Were you a cloistered monk or just certifiable?