Any modification on Ayre C-5Xe last three years?

Hey, i am new to Audiogon and i am looking for some advice concerning Ayre´s C-5Xe Universal Player. I read a lot of positive feedback in this forum and some years ago i already heard this player. But before i seriously start seeking for a used model i would like to know if there were some modifications during the last years and if there are sonic differences on them. Hope to get some competent hints. Best wishes for 2009 to all of you.
Welcome Themis.. I've talked to Ayre occasionally and haven't heard of any mods or updates. I'd think Ayre would encourage the upgrade to those of us who've bought one, but you might call them as they're easy to reach.

My ONLY small complaint is that I wish it were a little quieter when open/close, but it's performance has been spectacular.
The c5xe is a great player for the money. I don't know of any updates that have been made and I highly encourage you to pick one up.
There is a mod on the C5xe. It isn't major...I think its only a firmware update, and is brand new. Check with Michael at Ayre.