Upgraded my cables and they transformed my system!!!

My old cables were, and my new cables are a mix of three or four different brands of cables that synergized beautifully together to produce an outstanding sound in my system. Recently, I felt that there was room for improvement in my audio system’s cabling, so I decided it was time to upgrade. I’m still in love with my old superb speaker cables (Revel Salon 2 speakers), (JPS Labs Superconductor 3 speaker cables), and my incredible ethernet cables (Shunyata Sigma), so I felt no need to replace them. Here’s a list of the upgrades that I made:

Ayre Acoustc QX-5 Twenty DAC: Old cable= ATC, 2M, power cable (excellent for digital exclusively). Replaced with= JPS Labs Aluminata 1.5M power cable (transformational).

Hegel H590 Integrated Amp: Old cable= Audioquest Tornado power cable, High Current, 15A, 1 meter. Replaced with= Audioquest Hurricane, High Current, 1M, 15A

Audioquest Niagara 3000 Power Conditioner: Old cable= Audioquest Thunder power cable, High Current, 15A, 2M. Replaced with= Audioquest Hurricane, High Current, 15A, 2M.

Interconnects: Old cable= Audioquest Earth, 1M, XLR. Replaced with= Audioquest Pegasus, 1M, XLR (transformational).

Note: My budget limit was $1500 or less for each cable (new or used), which I achieved.


I'm not one of our more well-heeled audiophiles, and the $1500 or below (new or used) for each cable was the absolute limit to my financial capabilities for my new cables.  However, at the $1500 or below price point for a new or used power cord or pair of interconnects, you can purchase a level of quality which, IMHO, is so incredibly high with such a high level of proficiency, one would have to question the necessity to spend more.    

With the new cables in place, the sound quality of my system, which sounded simply outstanding before the upgrades, has been improved dramatically by leaps and bounds, and my new interconnects are not even close to being fully broken-in yet!!! Of course, I expected this kind of improvement in sound quality once the new cables were installed, and the improvement will continue to get better and better over time as the interconnects continue to further burn-in. Now, I should be good to go for the foreseeable future.

For those of you who still persist in believing that non-stock, upgraded, aftermarket cabling is "Snake-oil"...............you have no idea.

Happy listening



Quality cables are important but keep in mind I think they all colour the sound and yeah you may notice a change but is the change for the better.

I find audio quest extremely annoying with all their cherry Banana product names. I do have their HDMI cables which are supposedly very good. All the other stuff is just so damn confusing and complicated. 

everybody is talking about unnecessarily expensive cables without scientific data/proof.

all audio components are made of signal transfer lines (also kind of cables) internally.

so, why not changing/upgrading the internal cables?



@ace17 Good post. It has to be opinions, because we can't prove it. Even if we could prove it why would we bother just to satisfy someone else? But the deniers can't prove it doesn't make any difference either. They try by stating something like "copper is copper, the only difference is the gauge" but that is not a complete argument, therefore it means nothing, and we know better. 

If audio forums had no opinions they would not exist. 

I don't know if it like reverse confirmation bias, but I am much more likely to get buyer's remorse than expectation bias, and therefore (maybe) do not hear improvements as easily as others may. And not just with audio, but everything in life. It is not very often I add a new component or make an adjustment and say "oh wow, that is so much better" It is when I go backwards is when I notice the difference most- I listen for a while with a new product (after break-in) and think not much of a difference, but when removed or going back to the original setting or setup is when I say "oh wow, that is worse". Perhaps many do their evaluations similarly. 

Perhaps with an interest in psychology you have some curiousity in this as well: I still wonder why they (the deniers) are here, like what is the point of going to threads on audio forums, search for cable reviews/experiences, and then question someones findings? Do they just like to argue? Enjoy conflict? Or are they trying to "save us"? I don't think they really care about our financial situation. 



Or perhaps THEY ARE JUST ANGRY, because they spent money on something in the past and didn't notice any difference? and now are trying their best to put all cable manufacturers out of business? 

I don't know who's more fortunate, those who can hear a difference or those who can't...