Contrary to you i read someone post BEFORE infering FALSE claim about it...
i dont slammed you body...😁 I just make the remark that you dont have listen to my modified headphone the K340 , claiming as you did you listened to all if not most TOP one even those as you said i " could never able to afford" which is as formulated such a bit insulting...
Secondly i said that AS YOURSELF , i disliked headphones and prefer speakers...If you had read my post before claiming i slammed you you would have understand that some headphones as the RAAL or my K340 differ vastly from other headphones......
The one pratronizing other here is you...I dont claim anything save to correct your claim about listening all headphones set up... This is false because it is impossible...
As you i prefer speakers...
But my K340 modified and optimized with his dual acoustic chamber with 5 passively tuned resonators resemble nothing you had listened too dude😊 ...
And i correct you mistaking claim that headphone dont have their own room shell acoustic because it is one of the main attribute which make the K340 unique...
Read before patronizing me about what i could or could not afford and before claiming you know it all ... You dont...
This is my "mumblings" here as you said ... Other will read my answer and make their opinion...
I give argument not patronizing veiled insult and pretentious universal claim valid for everyone...
And dont insult me about what i could or not afford, and about my " mumblings", and about the fact that you never dare to read my post but you answer them in your american active patronizing discourteous way,..
Sorry my post came out harsh. I honestly don’t read the Mahgister’s long rumblings, but I understand he slammed me big time his usual polite passive aggressive canadian way. Oh well