Jitter reduction, best device?

Am wondering what is the best device for jitter reduction and for producing an analogue like sound. I've read about the Genisis Digital Lens, GW Labs Processor, Monarchy Digital Processor, Meridian 518 Processor. Are there others to consider and are there any decent reviews that compare the various devices? I run an MSB Gold dac to a Dyna amp. The sound is very good but feels a bit "clinical". Thanks.
Read up on Benchmark DAC1 also. They pretty much stake their product on its low jitter output even in the face of any extremely jittery input. No reviews with proper measurements have found fault with it, so far, although listeners may like or dislike it, according to taste - same for any product.
Your dac received a so-so review on it's debut in S'phile from Robert Harley. The Digital Lens would help, but a new version will debut this year, so I wouldn't purchase one unless you really want it(I've had four and sold the last two few months ago).
Reducing jitter may clean up some of the edges, but I doubt it's going to turn a somewhat clinical sound into a meaningfully richer or more musical experience. I think you'd be better off looking for a DAC that sounds more musical to you rather than trying to make your DAC sound a certain way when it may just not want to go there (I'm in a similar situation with my own DAC). As an example you've probably seen the review of the MSB Gold DAC on enjoythemusic.com comparing it to the Audio Note before and I don't mean this to disparage your DAC as it's obviously well respected, but DACs have come a long way in just the past few years so it may really be worth it to at least check out what some of the newer ones can do (including reduce jitter on their own) before throwing money at this one. Either way you'll be in a better position to make the right decision and you may even have some fun in the process.

Best of luck.