Moving Magnet Phono Cartridges

I probably sound like a broken record (no pun intended) but I still haven’t pulled the trigger on the Hana MC cartridge.  I have been considering a moving magnet cartridge instead and have been researching.   I haven’t found many reviews of the better ones online except for users comments.  

I have been looking at the Audio Technica cartridges, Goldring and Ortofon.   I really wish I could find a Shure V15 or equivalent.  To the users of moving magnet cartridges, can you help me out or steer me in the right direction?


OP, since you devoted a fair amount of space to describing the behavior of 1 nasty member, I think that you should finish the deal and name him. He will probably be upset but it would be of benefit to others here, and what the heck the two of you don’t have a relationship worth endangering at this juncture.

Analog is a secondary source for me, but after I busted the stylus off of a MC that became a $500 XMass ornament I’ve stuck with MM carts that are easier to replace. Luckily I haven’t had to. My priority is the midrange, where most of my music lives, and imho MMs can do quite well there


If the person contacts me again which I doubt, I will post the info.  I do not want to start anything, I am getting too old for that amount of drama.  Believe it or not, the drama really takes a toll on me and I would rather avoid.  

The 540 is a fantastic cartridge. Probably the best value out there. Plus, you can just replace the stylus. Enjoy your new 540


Thank you, it sounds better than any $280.00 has the right to sound.   I have about 25 hours on it and it is more than I hoped it would be.