Why do we demand so much from our systems?

When I was in college a while back I was very happy with my system. I played records and I also had a cassette player from Kenwood. I wasn't interested in it sounding better because it was very satisfying.

Fast-forward to current times, Systems are more revealing and detail is a lot better than it used to be which I'm not sure is such a good thing. And I say this because it seems that as our systems improve as well as recordings improve we seem to be getting more demanding and becoming more and more unsatisfied with whatever we listen to.

Is it possible to be satisfied  with anything these days??


Like so many other pursuits in life, attitude is important. You have to discipline yourself not to get too finicky about it. I have powerful, revealing, accurate music reproduction, but I know I could go far beyond what I have, particularly when it comes to dollars spent.


One simple thing is to back off on the volume at the beginning of a listening session. Always leave something in the tank for the most exciting moments of a track. Treat it like sex, or the rev counter in your 911 GT3. If you take it right up to 8000rpm, you're not leaving much room for an encore!!


Getting into vinyl helps with this concept. I'm much more apt to listen to a whole side of music, put down the remote, read the liner notes, and enjoy the music.

I get that you spend whatever you can and please to spend but many times I don't get the justification.

First, you don't need to prove anything. You bought it, like it, end of story,

Second, those justifications can be so bizarre.... to avoid any controversial words....

Try good friends and alcohol, less expensive than stereo upgrades.



Why do "we"....

Interesting, but, thankfully I'm not part of "we" and happily being "am" in my own cave-self!