RIP Melanie Safka



I was in college 1966 to 1970. Melanie was a dream, Beautiful People,


Among my CDs and LPs, this Live Melanie at Carnegie Hall is outstanding!!!

It is a damn shame she became known to so many by the stupid roller-skate song.

Saw her live a few times, smallest place was the Turning Point, Piermont, NY

Live in Central Park


I don't know about coy and childish.  Isn't the song pretty much all sexual innuendo?  What did people think was the roller skate and what was the key?

RIP…. and what artist of any enduring worth / substance / ? has not taken a path with risks ?….. 

thx Brian

My first musical crush in my teen years. RIP, Melanie, thanks for your contributions and memories!

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