Which makes the bigger difference?

Been wondering.. what makes the bigger difference a change from Integrated Amp to seperates or a change in CDP in regardes to sound staging? (Please see my system for what I currently use). If it's CDP what would be a logical change trying to stay cost effective? Opinions (and recommendations) would be helpful as I might be considering a possibile change, but I want to stay with SS equipment.
I listen to soft rock, blues and jazz and do very much like detail but NOT analitical or hard sound.
For soundstaging, I think the most important components are the speakers and the room, and the positioning of speakers within the room. Next is probably the amplification (preamp + amp), and the associated SS vs tubes differences. The CDP will also play a role, but I cannot say to what extent compared to preamp + amp.

What is it that you don't like about your current situation?

I would advise trying to optimize the position of the speakers first, then consider some cost-effective room treatments, before blinding going about changing components.

Just my 2 cents.

I would look into Audio Research tube pre and SS Amp combo. See if anyone else with Apogee speakers are using AR gear.