Starting a Classical Vinyl Music Collection

Don't have much so I'm wondering where to begin.



@larryi +1


  I had hundreds of classical lps in the mid eighties.  I was so tired of surface noise, static, dust, poorly judged side breaks , etc, that I thought CDs were a godsend.  I still prefer digital, but there are just a few lps from back in the day that aren’t available digitally and this is what I limit my lp purchases to.  My original collection was destroyed in a house flood at the dawn of the CD era

I like what I like, but hate to be stuck in a rut.  I'll buy mixed classical album sets from Ebay and try to get titles/composers I've never heard of.  Sometimes it's obvious why they are not widely known, and other times I am pleasantly surprised to find a new favorite.  For $3-$4 per album it's a worthwhile gamble. 

I have enjoyed Classical LPs for many years, and I am glad to hear from someone who is starting-out on this journey.  Around 1,000 years of music, and some of it is just fantastic (I also like rock, jazz, folk).  Welcome to the adventure...

Lately, I decided to thin-the-herd.  Send me a PM, and I am happy to send you a few for free (no strings attached).  Perhaps I have something that you want.  I will send them media-mail, so expect one to two weeks for delivery.  


Classical is the arguably the best genre to  collect used LP's.

Typically cared for, less in demand. Depending where you're at, Goodwill and record stores that bother with Classical will have gems for cheap.

50's and early 60's are the peak of the LP production.

Do your Classical music history homework. Learn about the genres and eras which will help you understand what it's all about.

Find/discover your top 5 composers and their "must have compositions."

Endless choices.

Brought 6 Classical and Sinatra Vinyl discs to the HI FI shop.

They used Klaudio cleaning machine

Cost me $24 no big deal, but there was almost no difference in sound quality.

Same static and pops.
