Dear @rvpiano : 13 years ago all the Clearaudio MM cartridges were made by Audio Technica and the Virtuoso ( that I owned ) cartridge motor was the humble one by the AT 95 and improved under Clearaudio needs.
This was my review of the Virtuoso:
Maybe what you need is to match ( as mulveling said. ) with a different tonearm the other alternative is that you need a really accurated set up especially in the VTA because the Virtuoso is extremely sensitive to minute VTA changes.
The other issue is that the retip was made by SoundSmith and maybe with ruby cantilever and this kind of material is not very good on that place where even hardened aluminum is a superior choice.
Before you spend more money try some cartridge set up modifications not only VTA but vtf and azymuth too and try to mantain clean the stylus tip and obviously your LPs.