Yamamoto YDA 01 DAC

Is there any Agoner have this Yamamoto dac and could share his comments on how its sound?
Superb Charles, it seems that we have similar goals. Apart from Delta Sigma, there is also multibit dacs like Burr Brown PCM 1704, 1702, Philips TDA1501, Analog Device AD1865. Many consider these to be architecturally more correct for music reproduction hence a more natural sound. However I have not heard the better implementations of these DAC chips so cant comment.
Fingers are crossed for the Metrum !!!
I'm very interested in the Yamamoto vs. Metrum Octave...These two DACS are extremely high on my list to join my Shindo system. I have not invested heavily in vinyl and hope to find a digital solution that gets me there. I've heard great things about Metrum and also a believer of the KISS principal as far as design goes. Charles, please keep me on your list of people to inform once you've had some time with the Metrum. I'd like to order before the price increase if it ends up being THE solution.
Jcote, given your Shindo system I can understand your interest in these 2 DACs. I ordered my Metrum Octave 4 or 5 weeks ago, with a waiting period 8-12 weeks. I will post my impression in the future. KISS principal, yes I agree with you. Based on circuit layout and parts count the Metrum would be considered ultra simple.
oh man that feels like a lifetime away ;)

looking forward to your commentary.
If you would like a primer or just some additional information on chip architecture this is good reading:


I own a DAC with the TDA 154x architecture, owned the Monarchy M24 mentioned in the article that used the PCM-63K, and now have 2 digital sources that use the PCM-1704. The latter 3 use a ladder type architecture. After listening to these sources and comparing them to others using sigma-delta chips, it's quite apparent as to the differences in presentation.

I was, and to an extent still am quite intrigued with the chip architecture of the Metrum. However, when push came to shove I decided to give the Resolution Audio Cantata a whirl. Given its price, I may revisit the Metrum at some point.