Aurender Music Server and CD Transport comparison

I am in the market for a CD transport and I want it to sound as good as my Aurender N100C. How far up the chain do I have to go to get sound that is equal or better than my Aurender? My choice so far is a Jay's Audio CDT2 Mk3 but could I go to an Audiolab transport like the 9000CDT? Should I go as high as the Jay's Audio CDT3-Mk3 I don't want to spend anymore money than I have to since the more I spend the more I get diminishing returns.

The system is Aurender, NAD M2 Digital amp, B & W 805 D4 standmounts.


You might want to buy a few transports and do a shootout with your streamer and keep the CDT that sounds best to you. Avoid the forums altogether with this kind of attitude and your inability to provide a full system context in order to get a proper response.
Good luck!

Well, the OP has a point. He asked for recommendations for a CD transport and did not receive one recommendation.

What he did get was responses from persons who appear to know his system and its needs better than himself.

I went to look at the posted system for the OP and didn't find one. It helps to provide as much information as you can about the system you have to get good answers. There will always be ones who give recommendations that don't address the question and there will always be ones who post without giving enough information for recommendations.

I was thinking about throwing him a pear, but decided against it. 

What is a better outcome- a dozen suggestions but not completely direct answers, or no answer? 

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