@decooney I have only auditioned the XP-12 in my home and can’t speak to the characteristics of the higher end or older Pass models.
i agree with your observation that people sometimes upgrade only to wish they hadn’t sold or given away a piece of gear. Some folks on this forum post of having repurchased a piece they’d had before.
Many of us get upgraditis. I’ve auditioned gear in my home that I thought sounded better only to find I couldn’t justify the additional cost for the incremental improvement. In one instance a dealer loaned me an excellent Luxman amp. I brought it hone and it sounded great until I put on a large symphonic piece and it couldn’t handle the power requirements of the transients and started audibly clipping! The dealer concluded it was likely because of the 86 dB efficiency of my 4 ohm speakers that drop to 3 ohms at some frequencies. It’s just another reason to audition gear in your home with your other equipment.