Update: I got the Netgear Nighthawk and installed it. That seemed to greatly reduce the problems I’ve had. Still sometimes when I wake up in the morning my sleeping computer takes a while to reconnect to the internet. I don’t ever recall this before.
@lalitk I was unable to hook the wire to the stereo system directly to the router because the roon core has to be on the same ’network" as the phones, computers, tablets, etc that you use to control roon. I was unable to see the roon core with it plugged directly into the router and the control devices hooked to the wireless network. I can’t figure out why. My router control solftware sees all the things attached wired and wirelessly.
I will also think about your concern about hooking the stereo system up directly to the modem. No computers or other devices worth hacking bypass the modem.
I am using an eero mesh wifi because it was highly recommended to me when I was having problems. I have a TP Link almost new that I will reinatall, perhaps this afternoon.
The speed of the Netgear modem isn’t much faster if at all. speedtest comes back 360 Mbs. the old modem was 350 or so, maybe it would be 360 too today. But what I will call latency is improved. when I run speedtest it starts immediately, with no delay. same with many other websites loading.
I’ve changed some tubes lately but I will say that right now the sound system has never sounded better.
the Netgear modem was not expensive and it is nice to have a better piece of equipment in my audio system and supporting my home network for routine things like reading this site.