Is your Bricasti MC1 similar to the M1 in that you can have a network card installed?
I own a Bricasti M3 and a close friend owns an M1. We have listened to them using every input. The network input is, by far, the best input for these DACs. One of the main reasons is that the network signal path is the shortest to the chipsets inside the chassis according to the designer Mr. Zolner.
My friend compared his insanely purposely built PC using two separate Mutec boxes (master clock then a reclocker) to his M1 and the network input from his home server. We were able to blindly choose the network input every time. Nothing changed tonality. It was all about spatial cues and greater size and delineation of soundstage right/left and front/back. Oh, BTW, he also uses B&W 802s.
Set up a home network if possible and use the Bricasti network card inside your MC1.