Starting a Classical Vinyl Music Collection

Don't have much so I'm wondering where to begin.



The Hummingguru ultrasonic record cleaner is $500. It works really well! it runs out a lower frequency than the more expensive $3000 units. I just run the record through twice and it comes out great. It’s about whole seven minutes to do that. It says to use water only. I use one drop of a record cleaning desiccant. Not anything else no alcohol.


In my experience, clicks and pops are just in some albums and you cannot get rid of them. I have a Klaudio record cleaner. It does a great job but cannot get every click or pop out of an album. I use it on every album I buy whether new or used. FWIW. You might try Telarc used albums. They are digital put to vinyl and some are just fabulous in my opinion. I especially like the 1812 Overture which uses really cannons firing.