Easy Come Easy Go…….BOOM!

Gentleman, consider a lightning protection system for your home..You can bet my rebuild will have a very good one.

National Weather Service recorded a 63,000 amp strike on my property.

Full replacement value. Starting over

We all got out safe  



yes, those speakers are in fine condition! Would you like to buy them? They are on sale, unique opportunity to pick them up at a discount

Not that this is necessarily relevant to the OP, but I've been thinking about a roof replacement and reading up on metal roofs.  They are no more/less prone to lightning than shingles but compared to asphalt shingles may be much less fire prone.  Also, if installed with an offset can offer significantly better heat rejection.

Taking a closer look at the damage, OP, it's a real shame that the lightning took out so much of your room acoustic treatments.... real shame.  😉

Whew!  That was close!  Is your home in a spot prone to getting struck by lightening?  The chances are the same today as the day it happened.